Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

Beware! Wrong Diet Make Difficult Pregnancy

Women who are obsessed to have a slim body should be careful in choosing dietary pattern to be applied.
Because the wrong diet can make unbalanced hormones. As a result, women may have fertility problems, aka trouble conceiving.
A nutritionist from Kraft Foods Phillippines, Joan Sumpio, RND, FPAN said that if intake is not balanced nutrition can cause hormone disruption. If hormones are having problems, all activities of the body including the reproductive organs can come disturbed.

"Let's just say these women experience menstrual disorders. If erratic menstrual cycle, the woman's fertile period is also not regular. If the fertile period is irregular or even crash," said Joan.
Joan added that the process of ovulation requires balanced nutrition. Although the composition of the nutrients needed in the process of ovulation is not known precisely, but the presence of nutrients clearly plays an important role.

A study published in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology shows a link between iron intake and the level of fertility in women. Apparently, women who consumed the amount of iron in higher levels of a lower risk of infertility.
Consumption of iron to 41 mg / day (maximum safe limit for consumption was 45 mg / day) can reduce the risk of infertility rate to 62 percent. Just a note, the problem of infertility observed in this study is the problem of infertility associated with ovulation (the release of eggs from the ovary).
"Calories are needed by women who wish to become pregnant and are pregnant. Unfortunately, many women stay away for fear of fat calories," says Joan.

Therefore, Joan suggested that women who want to diet to consider her diet choices. Do not get because of wrong eating and difficult pregnancy.
"If I need to consult a nutritionist. To what slim body but have a hormonal disorder and is difficult to have children," added Joan. (*)

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